Wayback Machine Downloader

Welcome to the Wayback Downloader where you can download complete working websites from the Internet Archive Wayback Machine, Save hours of time by not having to download each page individually not to mention all the hundreds of images some sites have which would be an impossible task!

Existing website downloading software does not work for the Internet Archive as the URL structure is not the same as a typical website. Hence the need to build this application for ourselves and we have now opened it to the public. Some software may work but there will still be manual work involved fixing links and images for all pages on the site, our service builds the whole website so there is no manual work involved you will have a complete working website.

Yes, we are still operating! (posted 15th October 2024)

Each website we provide for you includes:

  • 10 levels deep of pages that is the Home page (1st level), pages linked from the homepage (2nd level) and then pages link from those 2nd level and so on
  • All internal pages correctly linked to each other.
  • CSS, images, flash, javascript, videos, pdf’s (and other documents) files included*
  • All the original URLsĀ  so that you don’t lose valuable page rank
  • An optional WordPress Integration so you can easily create new pages

*We download whatever appears on the Wayback Machine Downloaders from the Wayback URL you provide us, (you don’t just give us the website address) so if the site layout looks out of place then it will look out of place when you order from us.

So choose the correct Wayback URL that contains the particular version of the site you want. Our order form will not allow you just to submit the domain of the site you want, you will provide us the Wayback URL.

How Long Does it Take To Receive My Order?

Turn around time to recover a single site is usually about 1 hour depending on the number of orders. We have in queue and how large your site(s) are, larger sites can take a few hours to download. Your order will be emailed to you with a download link on completion.

Check out our examples page of sites completely downloaded using our service.

Read our pricing page for packages and order forms and check our FAQ before contacting us.

Recover a lost website within hours!