Internet archive sites

Internet Archive Sites and Tools

A Guide to Internet Archive Sites and Tools:

There are plenty of internet archive sites and tools available to archive a website. We will explore some of the popular ones to see which one suits your needs. Here are some;

Let’s discuss different internet archiving sites and tools in detail.

Wayback Machine:

Wayback Machine is the first of its kind. It is a benchmark for other archiving tools and sites.

Internet Archive Sites| Wayback

Wayback machine is a server-side archive solution. There are many ways to create and upload an archive. It is usually the first place to look while archiving a site. A dedicated API is also available to hook into its functionality.

Wayback Machine might not be able to preserve all the functionality of a site. This is because of the mechanism of its crawl and archive method of websites. Anyhow it is considered a standard benchmark for web archivists. It is free to boot.

Archive. today is also an exciting free service. It is similar to the Wayback Machine in many ways, even in design but its approach to archive a website is different from Wayback Machine. The data servers of the archive. today are based in Europe.

Internet Archive Sites|

Archive. today is not based on the crawlers running over the web. One sends with consent the URL of his site for inclusion in the archive. There is no robust deletion policy in this service. It excludes certain media and file types.

As it is free, it is more suitable if anyone wants a complimentary place to store the archive of his site. One of the awesome features is that it has search functionality to find previously internet archive sites.


Internet Archive offers a few other archiving products aside from Wayback Machine. One of these is Heritrix. It is an open-source tool that was built in collaboration with Internet Archive sites and Nordic libraries.

Rather than a full-featured archiving tool, it’s a web crawler. All the crawled results can be packaged together through Heritrix.

Wayback Machine now uses Heritrix to crawl a site for the inclusion of that particular site on its own site. Heritrix is also used by a large number of libraries and institutions to build archives.

It has very impressive features but to install Heritrix, you must have some technical knowledge. To install it, there is not a user-friendly interface. You must have knowledge of Git, Github, and the command line.

Like other famous solutions, it is free to use. It is suitable for a cost-effective self-archiving solution.

WAIL – Web Archiving Integration Layer:

If you are going to use Heritrix to archive your site, but you are not having the required technical knowledge to simply install software, a potential solution is available for you.

WAIL is an open-source and free cross-platform desktop app that is having a functional Graphical User Interface, an installer is along with.

Internet Archive Sites| Wail

Heritrix is WAIL’s crawling engine. You can leverage the power of Heritrix while not having to traverse the command line and Github. Apart from this, WAIL uses the OpenWayback engine to replay web archives.


Stillio is an archiving tool; billed as an automated solution. It takes snapshots at set intervals. Stillio is a paid service and looks different from other archiving solutions.

Internet Archive Sites| Stillio

It gives you an option to create an archive that exactly meets your requirements. You can add tags, titles, etc. to your URLs. You can also save your archives into Dropbox, Google Drive, and other third-party services like these.

One of the main drawbacks of Stillio is that it doesn’t support back-end archiving of your site. You are restricted to only snapshots of your site. There is no option for a full archive of data.

Stillio may be useful in certain cases like serving as brand management and tracking tool. For better SEO results and other such stuff; you can take screenshots of your competitors’ sites. For verification of content, it is also great.

As Stillio is a paid service, it starts at $29/month. The maximum price of it is $299. When there are free alternatives available, it is a huge amount for anyone to spend. It all depends on the need of your business.


Pagefreezer is an automated tool to offer web archiving services. It has many same benefits as Stillio. But it is far better than Stillio as it also archives content from social media, text messages, full sites, and enterprise-level collaboration platforms.

Apparently, Pagefreezer looks better solution than Stillio as it has greater value in various use cases.

When you require a site with back-end functionality, Pagefreezer is the best solution. You can automate the number of snapshots. You can review these snapshots using the comparison tool and site archive browser.

In nutshell, Pagefreezer is a better enterprise-level solution for archiving a site.

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How to Archive your Website

Archive your Website

A dedicated backup & archive strategy is required to archive your website from Wayback Machine. Backups are essential for a site, remember, to preserve your site, there are some other ways also. You can archive a website in several flexible ways. All the ways to archive a website are user-friendly and easily accessible. It is up to you to pick the right solution according to your needs.

Here we will discuss some ways to archive a website. There are some prominent tools for archiving a site.

An Introduction to Website Archiving:

Preserving content, data, and media of a site for future reference is archiving a website. To see older versions of a website, there is a dedicated service Wayback Machine.

Technically, crawlers of Wayback Machine take the snapshots of any website from time to time, which constitutes the archive itself. A calendar is present on Wayback Machine showing the dates on which it has taken snapshots of your site. You can view each iteration in a timeline format.

To understand why Wayback Machine exists, we need to go back to the early 2000s. Many businesses were collapsing and their popular websites were either shut down or abandoned without leaving any memory behind.

Like other media formats, TV, and music, these abandoned or shut-down sites have nostalgic and historical value. It was important to give an idea to future users that how far technology earlier was.

To preserve websites, the Internet Archive launched Wayback Machine. You can have a look at the site to see how it has evolved over the years.

To archive a website, many crawlers involve. Some crawlers include huge individual crawls, it takes years to complete. In 2004, the first 100 Terabyte servers of Wayback Machine became operational. At the end of 2020, it has stored over 70 Petabytes of data. In Terabytes, it is more than 70,000.

Why archive a website?

To archive a website, there are plenty of reasons. For a real-world analogy, you can have a look at Github.

To store the repositories of a project, the developers use Github. It also stores every “commit” made. The commits are the snapshots only while repositories represent the whole website.

The archive is as much valuable as Git repositories. To influence the current design of your site, you can look at previous iterations of your site.

Archive of your site is valuable evidence if there is some sort of litigation. A complete and clear archive of a site can throw off disputes. You can present the archive of your site in front of courts also as evidence in any litigation.

Difference between data backup and web archive:

A site backup and website archive appear to be similar in general terms, but both have different jobs that complement each other.

  • Backup is data-based: Preserving a site’s data at your own level is a backup of the site. If you want to restore your site, complete backup of your data is paramount.
  • The archive preserves context over data: The functionality of a website’s archive is often patchy. In an archive, the design of a site and static content remain intact usually.

It is important to note that archiving a site doesn’t look to eschew data preservation effort. Undoubtedly, one of the main benefits of a web archive is letting users navigate your site as if it was live. Wayback Machine exists as a virtual “memory lane”. It keeps the visual intact. It takes higher priority than preserving backend functionality.

Data backups are used as daily protection of your site if something worst happens to the site. To understand the evolution of your site, archive a site is an additional way of help.

Different types of Archiving:

Types of web archiving-Archive your website


Contrary to the general conception, there are different types of web archiving. Let us break down.

There are three types of Web Archiving:

  • Client-side: To save the version of a side, the client-side archive involves the end-user. Due to its simplicity and scalability, this type lets you archive the site with no fuss.
  • Server-side: Wayback Machine and others are classified as server-side web archives. Wayback Machine uses crawlers and some sort of other technologies to archive a site. It requires a level of consent that we don’t find in the client-side type of archiving.
  • Transaction-based: The base of it is server-side archiving. But as compared to server-side archiving, it is more complex. It requires explicit consent from the owner of the site. It archives the site transactions between server and end-user.

If a website is simple with static data, also having an organized archiving strategy, then client-side archiving is the best strategy. Most of the sites favor server-side archives. For most websites, transaction-based archiving is not necessary.

Where & How archives are stored:

A local archive is not a poor choice. But the drawback in this type of archive is that it disappears if there is a computer failure. On the other hand, if you opt for a third-party archiving solution, you have less control over what is archived.

So you need to adopt a multi-faceted approach to archive a site. What we suggest is that you treat the archive like backup; you need to have three different copies of a site at different locations and must have synchronization with each other.

You take the advantage of any server-side functionality to make the archive of your website. This will result in a robust backup of your side and archive strategy.

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